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VixenshelbyFREE | vixenshelbyfree


This is my FREE account! That's right~
Come get a taste of what you can get over on
@vixenshelby and if you just want to buy sets this is the option for you!

Adult model, maker of porny clips and on-again-off-again Cosplayer, Vixenshelby! I take vids and pics of myself ranging anywhere from cosplay, lingerie to stark, ass naked.
What to expect:
- explicit content including my adult vids which include solo and b/g content
- mini photosets and larger purchasable sets
- candids, throwbacks and derpiness

Remember you do not have permission to share, distribute or sell any paid-for-content from this page. I own all rights to my content.

P.O.Box 731

Vixenshelby | vixenshelby

$ 10

New fans get 4 spicy vids sent to ya when ya join!*

Adult model, maker of porny clips and on-again-off-again Cosplayer, Vixenshelby! I take vids and pics of myself ranging anywhere from cosplay, lingerie to stark, ass naked.
What to expect:
- explicit content including my adult vids (vaginal, oral, rare anal)
- mini photosets and larger purchasable sets
- candids, throwbacks and derpiness
-occasional custom vid and photo slots
-access to goal rewards and special events

P.O.Box 731
Stanfield, OR

Reminder, you do not have permission to upload and or shared my copyrighted content. This page is also a subscription service where you can view the library WHILE YOU ARE SUBSCRIBED (like a Netflix subscription). PPV unlocks go to your DMโ€™s for you to keep in your personal library. My website is a good option for (downloadable) photosets and merch

*If you've signed up here before, the new sub DM will not send to you as you've already received it once before.